030722-Precision Medicine

030722-Precision Medicine

Precision Medicine Program at OhioHealth

Your cancer care should be as unique as you are.

Understanding the specific genetic and molecular changes in your tumor can help oncologists pinpoint the best treatment for your cancer. Here’s how we do it.

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An innovative approach to cancer care

Precision medicine is an approach to cancer care that uses genomic testing — also called molecular testing, and DNA or gene sequencing — to analyze your tumor cells at different stages of cancer and cancer treatment. The process is designed to identify genetic and molecular changes that could help your care team select safer, more effective therapies that target the specific characteristics of your tumor cells.

Mark Zangardi, a board certified oncology pharmacist and precision medicine coordinator at OhioHealth, explains what precision medicine is and which patients are best suited for it.  


Is genomic testing right for me?

Your doctor will consider your traits, treatment history, type and stage of cancer when determining whether genomic testing is right for you. Genomic testing is generally used for people with advanced, recurrent or rare cancers.

How does genomic testing work?

  • Collection: A sample of your tumor, and in some cases a blood or saliva sample, are sent to a special laboratory for testing.
  • Testing: The DNA of your tumor is analyzed to identify genetic mutations, variations or other markers. The results are sent in a report to your doctor.
  • Review: Your doctor may submit the report to OhioHealth’s Molecular Tumor Board, a team of pharmacists, genetic counselors, research coordinators, pathologists and doctors with expertise in cancer and genomics.
  • Recommendations: The tumor board reviews your results and makes treatment suggestions to your doctor.
  • Treatment: Your doctor will consider these recommendations when developing your treatment plan, which may include precision medicine treatments like targeted therapy, immunotherapy or clinical trials.

How is genomic testing for cancer different than testing for inherited conditions?

Most cancers are the result of genetic changes that happen over the course of a person’s life. These genetic changes are present in tumor cells, but not normal cells. Genomic testing looks at the tumor itself, finding defects in the genetic makeup of the tumor.

In rare cases, people inherit mutations or harmful genetic variations from a parent that put them at a higher risk of developing cancer or other conditions. These mutations can be identified in people with or without cancer by looking at the DNA of normal cells in a blood or saliva sample. Genetic testing helps confirm or rule out genetic conditions, or the likelihood of passing those conditions to your children. Learn more about genetic testing at OhioHealth.

Will genomic testing result in a change in my treatment plan?

Analyzing the DNA of a tumor with genomic testing can provide information about how and why your tumor is growing, but it doesn’t always identify changes that can be targeted with precision medicine treatments. Your doctor will use the results and your health history to come up with the best treatment plan for you.

Does my insurance cover the cost of genomic testing?

The cost of genomic testing varies based on the type of test ordered and the lab performing the testing. Your medical insurance coverage may also vary based on the test. It is important to contact your insurance provider to understand your coverage. You may also be eligible for financial assistance through OhioHealth.