030422-Lung Cancer

030422-Lung Cancer

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Lung Cancer Program at OhioHealth

We’re successfully treating more patients with lung cancer — and catching it at its earliest stages — with advanced technology and a team who is with you every step of the way.

More men and women in the United States die of lung cancer than any other cancer. But, more people diagnosed with lung cancer are living today — more than 400,000, according to the American Cancer Society.

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The OhioHealth Lung Cancer Care program provides comprehensive care for patients with lung cancer — from diagnosis to treatment and survivorship. Our Lung Cancer Screening Program is helping us catch lung cancer at its earliest stages in those who are at high risk.

Lung Cancer Screening Criteria

Our lung cancer screening guidelines follow those of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which includes recommendations for current or former smokers between ages 50–80. Smokers must have 20 or more pack years (# packs x # years) and former smokers must have quit within last 15 years. Patients may not have symptoms of lung cancer. (Some exceptions may apply)

Our Screening Program

The OhioHealth lung cancer screening program uses a low-dose chest CT scan to identify lung cancer at its earliest stages. The comprehensive, multidisciplinary screening program includes:

  • Low-dose chest CT scan
  • Dedicated radiologists
  • Nurse navigation
  • Patient education about screening and smoking cessation
  • Tobacco-treatment specialists for patients ready to stop smoking
  • Follow-up evaluations and consultations with referring physicians

An Innovative Approach to Cancer Treatment

The OhioHealth approach to cancer care involves a partnership of experts, including surgical, medical and radiation oncology, radiology, pathology, palliative care, hospice, nursing, navigation, and research and genetic counseling. Our focus is always on the individual needs and experience of each patient, so we pay special attention to your quality-of-life concerns, wellness, spiritual and emotional care.

While smoking tobacco remains the leading cause of lung cancer, there are other risk factors — radon exposure, asbestos and secondhand smoke. In some cases, there is no definitive cause.

OhioHealth cancer physicians adhere to best practice clinical standards for the treatment of lung cancer and other thoracic cancers, working together to analyze your specific case and developing a personalized and most appropriate treatment plan.

Multidisciplinary Planning Conferences

OhioHealth cancer specialists meet to discuss the treatment options for a patient. This means lung cancer patients can have their individual diagnoses and treatment plans reviewed by a panel of cancer experts. Unique cases may also be presented to the MD Anderson Multidisciplinary Planning Conference for review and input.