021122-Cancer Care

030722-Survivorship and Supportive Care

021122-Cancer Care

030722-Survivorship and Supportive Care

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Education and Support Groups

Learning is part of healing

We’ve created educational and informational experiences to support you at every step.

Whether you’re newly diagnosed with cancer, currently in active treatment, or living your new normal as a survivor, education is an important part of your journey. Our expert doctors and the members of your care team at OhioHealth Cancer Care have developed these resources to make sure you, your family and your caregivers have the information you need.

OhioHealth Cancer Care Lecture Series Library

Cancer survivors face physical, psychological and social challenges related to their treatment. And the health needs of cancer survivors are different from those who’ve never faced a cancer diagnosis.

To meet the unique needs of our ever-growing number of survivors, we’re proud to introduce our Cancer Care Lecture Series, educational discussions for survivors on the topics of their interest.


OhioHealth CancerCall

Get in touch with a cancer specialist who can answer your questions and connect you to our cancer physicians, programs and services. Contact OhioHealth CancerCall Monday-Friday, 8 AM-5 PM.